• Cataracts
Cataracts are a degenerative medical condition of the eye in which the lens of the eye becomes progressively opaque, resulting in blurred vision. Cataracts are not life threatening, however they can lead to blindness and depression. Cataracts can often be corrected with surgery. Cataracts can lead to blindness in one or both eyes. It’s best to have your eyes checked regularly by an ophthalmologist to maintain your best vision throughout your life. Cataracts can affect your night vision and your ability to drive safely. Cataracts are a slow clouding of the eye and are a serious condition and should be treated by a qualified ophthalmologist. Cataracts in later life can cause a person to fall and lead into depression. Good nutrition and not smoking are preventative measures that you can take to avoid cataracts. At Clear View Medical in Brooklyn, our staff of ophthalmologists can advise you confidentially if you are a candidate for cataract surgery.
  • Glaucoma
Glaucoma is a group of diseases that damage the eye’s optic nerve and can result in vision loss and blindness. Risks for glaucoma include migraines, high blood pressure and obesity. However, with early detection and treatment, you can often protect your eyes against serious vision loss. Glaucoma is often accompanied by a pressure in the eye and can be detected by an ophthalmologic team and often prevented. There are treatments available and glaucoma is just one of many eye conditions that we can treat and often prevent with a close monitoring. If you have been diagnosed with glaucoma or are experiencing difficulty with your vision and are looking for a knowledgeable and caring professional staff to help you with treatment, Clear View Medical has the expert team in Brooklyn. Glaucoma is an eye disease and with careful treatment it can be conquered. Our staff of licensed ophthalmologists can advise you confidentially if you are suffering from glaucoma.
  • Dry Eyes
Dry eyes are a common condition that occurs when your tears aren't able to provide adequate lubrication for your eyes. There are many options and treatment for dry eye in the form of medicines and eye drops that can improve the condition that can be a result of a poor diet or environmental allergies. Tears can be inadequate for many reasons. For example, dry eyes may occur if you don't produce enough tears or if you produce poor-quality tears. There are prescriptive treatments available to aggressively treat and eventually conquer the discomfort of dry eyes. Dry eyes can feel irritable and affect your mood. Dry eyes feel uncomfortable. Dry eyes are an eye condition and with careful treatment it can be conquered. If you are suffering from dry eyes make an appointment with our ophthalmologic team to treat your condition. Our staff of certified ophthalmologists can advise you confidentially if you are suffering from dry eyes.
  • Myopia
Myopia is the clinical term used to describe nearsightedness. A condition in which close objects appear clearly, but far ones don't. This is a common vision condition and can be treated successfully with the proper prescription lenses, glasses or contact lenses. Schedule an appointment with your eye care professional if you are having difficulty reading the signs when driving or the board in the class room. With a comprehensive eye examination we can determine if you might be suffering from a form of myopia. Near sighted vision is not life threatening and can be treated with a high successful results. Don’t needlessly suffer with near sighted vision. Myopia is near sighted vision and with lenses it can be conquered. Our ophthalmologic experienced, knowledgeable and friendly staff at Clear View Medical can offer you a wide range of treatment options for myopia. Our staff of ophthalmologists can advise you confidentially if you are suffering from myopia.
  • Hyperopia
Hyperopia is a common vision condition in adults and is commonly called farsightedness. The focal point is behind rather than on the retina and the result is hyperopia or farsightedness. This condition can often be corrected with prescription convex lenses and should be diagnosed by a professional ophthalmological team. People with hyperopia must squint to see nearby objects. Reading, writing, computer work, or drawing for long periods of time may cause eye strain and headache. Farsightedness is rare in children but can be treated if detected early. It is an important practice to have your vision checked and monitored by a licensed ophthalmological team annually to be screened for hyperopia. Hyperopia is far sighted vision and with lenses it can be conquered. Our ophthalmologic experienced, knowledgeable and friendly staff at Clear View Medical can offer you a wide range of treatment options for hyperopia. Our staff of ophthalmologists can advise you confidentially if you are struggling with hyperopia. 
  • Astigmatism
Astigmatism occurs when light is not evenly focused on the lens of the eye. It is a common genetic condition that is characterized by a curved shaped cornea, or a defect in the eye or in a lens caused by a deviation from spherical curvature, which results in distorted images, as light rays are prevented from meeting at a common focus. Astigmatism can be successfully treated with corrective lenses, contact lenses or laser surgery. Astigmatism can make reading a difficult task and adversely affect your ability to perceive while driving. Astigmatism is a common vision condition and can be treated and corrected successfully by a certified ophthalmologic team. Our ophthalmologic experienced, knowledgeable and friendly staff at Clear View Medical can offer you a wide range of treatment options for astigmatism. Often prescription lenses, contact lenses or laser surgery can successfully conquer astigmatism. Our staff of ophthalmologists can advise you confidentially if you are struggling with astigmatism. 
  • Diabetic Retinopathy
Diabetic retinopathy can be successfully treated and conquered if diagnosed at the correct time. A large percentage, up to ninety percent, of adults suffering from diabetes are experiencing diabetic retinopathy are candidates for preventive treatment. Diabetic retinopathy is caused by damage to the blood vessels in the tissue at the back of the eye called the retina. Poorly controlled blood sugar is a risk factor. With therapy and treatment and proper control of a person’s diet and blood sugar diabetic retinopathy can be treated and blindness prevented successfully. Timing is the most important component of the diagnosis. If you have diabetes and have noticed a change in your vision that might be linked to diabetic retinopathy you should contact an eye care professional as soon as possible to procure treatment. Our ophthalmologic experienced, knowledgeable and friendly staff at Clear View Medical can offer treatment options for diabetic retinopathy. Our staff of ophthalmologists can advise you confidentially of your treatment options and prevent blindness if you are struggling with diabetic retinopathy. 
  • Crossed Eyes
Strabismus or crossed eyes is a rare but treatable condition in children. The condition of cross eyes can include nerve injury or dysfunction of the muscles controlling the eye. Strabismus or crossed eyes can be the result of muscular dysfunction around the eyes. It may be accompany with farsightedness. This is a rare condition and usually can be corrected without surgery. The main symptom is eyes that don't look in exactly the same direction at the same time. Crossed eyes can usually be corrected with early treatment. Several treatment options exist to align the eyes. They include special eye-wear, use of an eye patch, and rarely surgery. The treatment options are usually non-invasive and rarely include surgery. Our ophthalmologic experienced, knowledgeable and friendly staff at Clear View Medical can offer treatment options for crossed eyes. Our staff of ophthalmologists can advise you confidentially of your treatment options if you are your child is struggling with crossed eyes. 
  • Lazy Eye
Lazy eye or clinically referred to as amblyopia occurs in early childhood. When nerve pathways between the brain and an eye aren't properly stimulated, the brain favors the other eye. Lazy eye can be a nerve related condition where the use of an eyepatch to retrain the lazy eye may prove to be an effective correction treatment therapy. The condition of lazy eye is best treated by a professional licensed ophthalmological team. Symptoms include a wandering eye, eyes that may not appear to work together, or poor depth perception. This condition is usually temporary and can be treated and corrected as an outpatient without surgery. Corrective lenses or contact lenses, an eyepatch or in severe cases surgery might be the best treatment to correct lazy eye. Both eyes may be affected. Our ophthalmologic experienced, knowledgeable and friendly staff at Clear View Medical can offer treatment options for lazy eye. Our staff of ophthalmologists can advise you confidentially of your treatment options if you are struggling with lazy eye. 
  • Presbyopia
Presbyopia is a form of natural aging to the eye that results in farsightedness. Presbyopia usually becomes noticeable in the early to mid-40s and worsens until around age 65. This condition can often be corrected with prescription convex lenses and should be diagnosed by a professional ophthalmological team. People with hyperopia must squint to see nearby objects. Reading, writing, computer work, or drawing for long periods of time may cause eye strain and headache. Farsightedness is rare in children but can be treated if detected early. It is an important practice to have your vision checked and monitored by a licensed ophthalmological team annually to be screened for hyperopia. Presbyopia is far sighted vision caused by the natural aging process and with lenses it can be conquered. Our ophthalmologic experienced, knowledgeable and friendly staff at Clear View Medical can offer treatment options for presbyopia. Our staff of ophthalmologists can advise you confidentially of your treatment options if you are struggling with presbyopia. 
  • PRK
Photorefractive Keratectomy also known as PRK is a type of refractive surgery to correct several common vision problems including myopia or nearsightedness, hyperopia also called farsightedness and astigmatism. LASIK has replaced PRK as the preferred form of this procedure and Clear View Medical is equipped to perform diagnostic treatment to discover if you might be a candidate for this treatment. Photorefractive Keratectomy was the first type of laser eye surgery for vision correction and is the predecessor to the popular LASIK procedure. A laser is used to reshape sculpt and correct the shape of the lens of your eye and usually can be done as an outpatient with minimally invasive results. Our ophthalmologic experienced, guide you if you feel you might be a candidate for Photorefractive Keratectomy treatment options for presbyopia. Our staff of ophthalmologists can advise you confidentially of your treatment options if you might like to learn more about Photorefractive Keratectomy or LASIK. 
  • Floaters
Eye floaters can be a bit of collagen that is floating along the surface of your eye. The floater may appear to be clumpy or stringy; light or dark. In some severe cases as your eyes age they can cause a shadow over your vision. They are caused by clumps or specks of undissolved vitreous gel material floating in the dissolved vitreous gel-like fluid the back of the eye, which cast shadows on the retina when light enters the eye. Eye floaters for the most part can be learned to endure and just ignored. It is wise to consult with a professional if eye floaters seem to be bothersome or they are accompanied with halos or a sever migraine headache. They can be associated with cataracts and sometimes linked to a more serious condition. Our ophthalmologic experienced, guide you if you feel you might be experiencing eye floaters that could be linked to a more severe or serious condition. Our staff of ophthalmologists can advise you confidentially of your treatment options if you might like to learn more eye floaters and the options for treatment.
  • Pterygium
Pterygium is the result of a little too much ultraviolet light in the eye, usually from too much sun. There is an outpatient surgery treatment that can remove the pterygium and restore clarity. An eye web is a noncancerous, triangular growth that may occur on one or both eyes. It's more common in people who spend a lot of time in the sun, such as those who work outdoors. To prevent pterygium it is highly recommended to avoid overexposure to the sun. The use of ultraviolet blocking and filtered lenses are the most effective forms of preventative care and treatment for pterygium. Our ophthalmologic experienced, guide you if you feel you might be experiencing pterygium that could be linked to a more severe or serious condition. Our staff of ophthalmologists can advise you confidentially of your treatment options if you might like to learn more pterygium and the options for treatment. 
  • Chalazion
A cist or also called chalazion can occur when a tear duct or oil gland becomes blocked and then becomes red, swollen and enflamed. Most common in adults ages 30 to 50 who also have rosacea or blepharitis. A chalazion may feel like a small, painless bead in the eyelid at first. Over a few days, it may get bigger, red, and rubbery, but remain painless. It can be treated successfully with warm compresses or if it becomes too painful, it might be best to be lanced by an ophthalmological professional to alleviate the pain and swelling. chalazions will usually correct themselves over time but can be very uncomfortable. Our ophthalmologic experienced will guide you if you feel you might be experiencing chalazion that could be linked to a more severe or serious condition. Our staff of ophthalmologists can advise you confidentially of your treatment options if you might like to learn more chalazion and the options for treatment. 
  • Conjunctivitis
Conjunctivitis is an inflammation or infection of the outer membrane of the eyeball and the inner eyelid that can result in the eye appearing red. It can make the eyelids literally become conjoined or ‘stuck shut’ in the morning. The preventative treatment of conjunctivitis it to ensure that the eyes are kept clean by thoroughly washing them. Allergies or viruses can cause this uncomfortable condition. It is best to have a professional ophthalmological team diagnose your condition. Conjunctivitis is usually a temporary discomfort and often goes away on its own. Our ophthalmologic experienced will guide you if you feel you might be experiencing conjunctivitis that could be linked to a more severe or serious condition. In some cases it might be allergies or viral. Our staff of ophthalmologists can advise you confidentially of your treatment options if you might like to learn more about conjunctivitis and the options for treatment. 
  • Amblyopia
Lazy eye or clinically referred to as amblyopia occurs in early childhood. When nerve pathways between the brain and an eye aren't properly stimulated, the brain favors the other eye. Symptoms include a wandering eye, eyes that may not appear to work together, or poor depth perception. Both eyes may be affected. When nerve pathways between the brain and an eye aren't properly stimulated, the brain favors the other eye. Lazy eye can be a nerve related condition where the use of an eyepatch to retrain the lazy eye may prove to be an effective correction treatment therapy. The condition of lazy eye is best treated by a professional licensed ophthalmological team. Symptoms include a wandering eye, eyes that may not appear to work together, or poor depth perception. This condition is usually temporary and can be treated and corrected as an outpatient without surgery. Corrective lenses or contact lenses, an eyepatch or in severe cases surgery might be the best treatment to correct lazy eye. Both eyes may be affected. Our ophthalmologic experienced, knowledgeable and friendly staff at Clear View Medical can offer treatment options for lazy eye. Our staff of ophthalmologists can advise you confidentially of your treatment options if you are struggling with lazy eye.
  • Macular Degeneration
Macular Degeneration is an age related eye condition that results in diminished clarity of vision from the degenerative effects of aging on the field of vision. Macular degeneration causes a loss of visual perception in the center of the field of vision. In dry macular degeneration, the center of the retina deteriorates. With wet macular degeneration, leaky blood vessels grow under the retina. The prevention of macular degeneration is to quit smoking completely and to improve your diet and exercise to include vitamin rich dark green leafy vegetables and fish. Macular degeneration can end in blindness. The initial symptom is a diminished quality or blurred vision. It is important to have the eyes checked annually by a licensed ophthalmological team. Our ophthalmologic experienced, knowledgeable and friendly staff at Clear View Medical can offer treatment options for Macular Degeneration. Our staff of ophthalmologists can advise you confidentially of your treatment options if you are struggling with Macular Degeneration.
  • Blepharitis
Blepharitis is a condition of a reddening of the eyelids. Blepharitis commonly occurs when the tiny oil glands of the inner eyelid become inflamed. It is usually the result of over exertion or eyestrain. It often occurs along with other skin conditions or allergies. This reddening of the eyelids is usually temporary and a minor inconvenient condition. It is important to rest your eyes periodically and ensure healthy sleep patterns of at least six hours ideally each night and at regular intervals. This is a minor condition and can usually be treated with warm compresses. It is important to have the eyes checked annually by a licensed ophthalmological team. Our ophthalmologic experienced, knowledgeable and friendly staff at Clear View Medical can offer treatment options for Blepharitis. Call the experts at Clear View Medical to be sure that your eyes are in the optimal condition. Our staff of ophthalmologists can advise you confidentially of your treatment options if you are struggling with Blepharitis. 
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